NYT Spelling Bee Answers for October 18, 2022

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for October 18, 2022

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for October 18, 2022
Center LetterF
Outer Lettersa, b, d, e, l, t
# of Pangrams1 (Perfect: 1)
Total Words58 words
Total Points256 points
Genius Level179 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for October 18, 2022

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
fl..... FL7An open freight vehicle with no sides, designed to carry heavy or outsized loads.
af.....AF7Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; friendly, courteous, sociable.
al.....AL7A plant, principally of Medicago sativa, grown as a pasture crop.
ba....BA6To bewilder completely; to confuse or perplex.
ba.....BA7simple past tense and past participle of baffle
be..BE4The meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.
be....BE6simple past tense and past participle of beef
be....BE6To fall upon; fall all over; overtake
be....BE6simple past tense of befall
da..DA4Foolish, silly, stupid.
de......DE8Coarse woody debris; deadwood. A fallen tree.
de..DE4Unable to hear, or only partially able to hear.
de...DE5To remove fat from a material, especially by the use of solvents
de......DE8simple past tense and past participle of defat
de....DE6To overcome in battle or contest.
de......DE8Subjugated, beaten, overcome.
de.....DE7To remove air or some other gas from within an elastic container, e.g. a balloon or tyre
de......DE8simple past tense and past participle of deflate
de..DE4Quick and neat in action; skillful.
de...DE5Alternative form of Delft (“style of earthenware”)
ef....EF6Of substances, quantities etc: exhausted, spent, worn-out.
fa...FA5A fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept, usually with animals, etc. as characters; an apologue. Prototypically, Aesop's Fables.
fa....FA6Known only in fables; fictitious.
fa..FA4Weak; insipid; tasteless.
fa...FA5simple past tense and past participle of fade
fa.....FA7A Middle Eastern food in the form of balls made from chickpeas or broad beans and other ingredients. Often served in a pita.
fa..FA4To be moved downwards. To move to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
fa...FA5Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny.
fa..FA4The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.
fa...FA5Foreordained, predetermined, established in advance by fate.
fe..FE4A relatively rare or difficult accomplishment.
fe....FE6Deficient in physical strength.
fe..FE4To give (someone or something) food to eat.
fe..FE4To use or experience the sense of touch. To become aware of through the skin; to use the sense of touch on.
fe..FE4plural of foot
fe..FE4To make something fall; especially to chop down a tree.
fe...FE5Pronunciation spelling of fellow.
fe.....FE7To perform oral sex on (a man); to stimulate (a penis or testicles) using the mouth.
fe......FE8simple past tense and past participle of fellate
fe....FE6simple past tense and past participle of fell
fe..FE4A cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.
fe..FE4A variety of curd cheese made from sheep’s or goat’s milk and originating from Greece.
fe...FE5Pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus.
fe..FE4A festival open to the public, the proceeds from which are often given to charity.
fe...FE5simple past tense and past participle of fete
fe....FE6A state of proper physical condition; kilter or trim.
fl..FL4Soft, loose flesh on a person's body; fat.
fl..FL4Having no variations in height.
fl......FL8plural of flatfoot
fl..FL4A small, wingless, parasitic insect of the order Siphonaptera, renowned for its bloodsucking habits and jumping abilities.
fl..FL4simple past tense and past participle of flee
fl..FL4To run away; to escape.
fl...FL5A group of vessels or vehicles.
le..LE4The usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants.
le....LE6simple past tense and past participle of leaf
le.....LE7One of the components of a compound leaf.
le..LE4Designating the side of the body toward the west when one is facing north; the opposite of right. This arrow points to the reader's left: ←
ta.....TA7A crisp, smooth woven fabric made from silk or synthetic fibers.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • flatbed  (FL7)
  • affable  (AF7)
  • alfalfa  (AL7)
  • baffle  (BA6)
  • baffled  (BA7)
  • beef  (BE4)
  • beefed  (BE6)
  • befall  (BE6)
  • befell  (BE6)
  • daft  (DA4)
  • deadfall  (DE8)
  • deaf  (DE4)
  • defat  (DE5)
  • defatted  (DE8)
  • defeat  (DE6)
  • defeated  (DE8)
  • deflate  (DE7)
  • deflated  (DE8)
  • deft  (DE4)
  • delft  (DE5)
  • effete  (EF6)
  • fable  (FA5)
  • fabled  (FA6)
  • fade  (FA4)
  • faded  (FA5)
  • falafel  (FA7)
  • fall  (FA4)
  • fatal  (FA5)
  • fate  (FA4)
  • fated  (FA5)
  • feat  (FE4)
  • feeble  (FE6)
  • feed  (FE4)
  • feel  (FE4)
  • feet  (FE4)
  • fell  (FE4)
  • fella  (FE5)
  • fellate  (FE7)
  • fellated  (FE8)
  • felled  (FE6)
  • felt  (FE4)
  • feta  (FE4)
  • fetal  (FE5)
  • fete  (FE4)
  • feted  (FE5)
  • fettle  (FE6)
  • flab  (FL4)
  • flat  (FL4)
  • flatfeet  (FL8)
  • flea  (FL4)
  • fled  (FL4)
  • flee  (FL4)
  • fleet  (FL5)
  • leaf  (LE4)
  • leafed  (LE6)
  • leaflet  (LE7)
  • left  (LE4)
  • taffeta  (TA7)

Answer Definitions

  • flatbed (noun): An open freight vehicle with no sides, designed to carry heavy or outsized loads.
  • affable (adjective): Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; friendly, courteous, sociable.
  • alfalfa (noun): A plant, principally of Medicago sativa, grown as a pasture crop.
  • baffle (verb): To bewilder completely; to confuse or perplex.
  • baffled (verb): simple past tense and past participle of baffle
  • beef (noun): The meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.
  • beefed (verb): simple past tense and past participle of beef
  • befall (verb): To fall upon; fall all over; overtake
  • befell (verb): simple past tense of befall
  • daft (adjective): Foolish, silly, stupid.
  • deadfall (noun): Coarse woody debris; deadwood. A fallen tree.
  • deaf (adjective): Unable to hear, or only partially able to hear.
  • defat (verb): To remove fat from a material, especially by the use of solvents
  • defatted (verb): simple past tense and past participle of defat
  • defeat (verb): To overcome in battle or contest.
  • defeated (adjective): Subjugated, beaten, overcome.
  • deflate (verb): To remove air or some other gas from within an elastic container, e.g. a balloon or tyre
  • deflated (verb): simple past tense and past participle of deflate
  • deft (adjective): Quick and neat in action; skillful.
  • delft (noun): Alternative form of Delft (“style of earthenware”)
  • effete (adjective): Of substances, quantities etc: exhausted, spent, worn-out.
  • fable (noun): A fictitious narrative intended to enforce some useful truth or precept, usually with animals, etc. as characters; an apologue. Prototypically, Aesop's Fables.
  • fabled (adjective): Known only in fables; fictitious.
  • fade (adjective): Weak; insipid; tasteless.
  • faded (verb): simple past tense and past participle of fade
  • falafel (noun): A Middle Eastern food in the form of balls made from chickpeas or broad beans and other ingredients. Often served in a pita.
  • fall (verb): To be moved downwards. To move to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
  • fatal (adjective): Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny.
  • fate (noun): The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.
  • fated (adjective): Foreordained, predetermined, established in advance by fate.
  • feat (noun): A relatively rare or difficult accomplishment.
  • feeble (adjective): Deficient in physical strength.
  • feed (verb): To give (someone or something) food to eat.
  • feel (verb): To use or experience the sense of touch. To become aware of through the skin; to use the sense of touch on.
  • feet (noun): plural of foot
  • fell (verb): To make something fall; especially to chop down a tree.
  • fella (noun): Pronunciation spelling of fellow.
  • fellate (verb): To perform oral sex on (a man); to stimulate (a penis or testicles) using the mouth.
  • fellated (verb): simple past tense and past participle of fellate
  • felled (verb): simple past tense and past participle of fell
  • felt (noun): A cloth or stuff made of matted fibres of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving.
  • feta (noun): A variety of curd cheese made from sheep’s or goat’s milk and originating from Greece.
  • fetal (adjective): Pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus.
  • fete (noun): A festival open to the public, the proceeds from which are often given to charity.
  • feted (verb): simple past tense and past participle of fete
  • fettle (noun): A state of proper physical condition; kilter or trim.
  • flab (noun): Soft, loose flesh on a person's body; fat.
  • flat (adjective): Having no variations in height.
  • flatfeet (noun): plural of flatfoot
  • flea (noun): A small, wingless, parasitic insect of the order Siphonaptera, renowned for its bloodsucking habits and jumping abilities.
  • fled (verb): simple past tense and past participle of flee
  • flee (verb): To run away; to escape.
  • fleet (noun): A group of vessels or vehicles.
  • leaf (noun): The usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants.
  • leafed (verb): simple past tense and past participle of leaf
  • leaflet (noun): One of the components of a compound leaf.
  • left (adjective): Designating the side of the body toward the west when one is facing north; the opposite of right. This arrow points to the reader's left: ←
  • taffeta (noun): A crisp, smooth woven fabric made from silk or synthetic fibers.