NYT Spelling Bee Answers for May 24, 2022

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 24, 2022

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 24, 2022
Center LetterN
Outer Lettersa, c, d, e, g, h
# of Pangrams1 (Perfect: 1)
Total Words48 words
Total Points239 points
Genius Level167 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 24, 2022

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
ac..AC4A skin condition, usually of the face, that is common in adolescents. It is characterised by red pimples, and is caused by the inflammation of sebaceous glands through bacterial infection.
ad....AD6Addendum, any one of two or more numbers or other terms that are to be added together.
ad.....AD7plural of addendum
ag....AG6A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.
ca.....CA7The act or state of declining or sinking.
ca....CA6A high-kicking chorus line dance originating in France.
ca..CA4A plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof The slender, flexible main stem of a plant such as bamboo, including many species in the grass family Gramineae
ca...CA5simple past tense and past participle of cane
ca...CA5Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers.
ca....CA6Preserved in cans.
ch....CH6An opportunity or possibility.
ch.....CH7simple past tense and past participle of chance
ch....CH6To become something different.
ch..... CH7simple past tense and past participle of change
da...DA5A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction.
da....DA6simple past tense and past participle of dance
de....DE6To render less lively; to diminish; to muffle.
de......DE8simple past tense and past participle of deaden
de..DE4A senior official in a college or university, who may be in charge of a division or faculty (for example, the dean of science) or have some other advisory or disciplinary function (for example, the dean of students).
de.......DE9A state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration; decay
en....EN6To lock inside a cage; to imprison.
en.....EN7simple past tense and past participle of encage
en...EN5simple past tense and past participle of end
en....EN6To interact socially. To engross or hold the attention of; to keep busy or occupied. To draw into conversation. To attract, to please; to fascinate or win over (someone).
en.....EN7simple past tense and past participle of engage
en.....EN7To lift, raise up.
en......EN8In a version or form that has been improved or made better than some other standard form.
en....EN6The number nine.
ga.....GA7A rich sauce, made of chocolate and cream, used also as the filling of truffles, and as a glaze.
ga..GA4To go; walk; proceed.
ga....GA6simple past tense and past participle of gang
ge..GE4A theoretical unit of heredity of living organisms; a gene may take several values and in principle predetermines a precise trait of an organism's form (phenotype), such as hair color.
ha..HA4The part of the forelimb below the forearm or wrist in a human, and the corresponding part in many other animals.
ha....HA6Having a certain kind or number of hands.
ha..HA4To be or remain suspended.
ha....HA6simple past tense and past participle of hang (now only when referring to the method of execution)
he...HE5from here, from this place, away
he...HE5A prehistoric enclosure in the form of a circle or circular arc defined by a raised circular bank and a circular ditch usually running inside the bank, with one or more entrances leading into the enclosed open space.
he...HE5A shrub, Lawsonia inermis, having fragrant reddish flowers
he.....HE7Dyed with henna.
na..NA4A type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine.
na....NA6simple past tense and past participle of nag
na..NA4A banana.
ne..NE4A requirement for something; something needed.
ne....NE6Necessary; being required.
ne..NE4The Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis, which was designated the state bird of Hawaii in 1957.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • acne  (AC4)
  • addend  (AD6)
  • addenda  (AD7)
  • agenda  (AG6)
  • cadence  (CA7)
  • cancan  (CA6)
  • cane  (CA4)
  • caned  (CA5)
  • canna  (CA5)
  • canned  (CA6)
  • chance  (CH6)
  • chanced  (CH7)
  • change  (CH6)
  • changed  (CH7)
  • dance  (DA5)
  • danced  (DA6)
  • dang  (DA4)
  • deaden  (DE6)
  • deadened  (DE8)
  • dean  (DE4)
  • decadence  (DE9)
  • encage  (EN6)
  • encaged  (EN7)
  • ended  (EN5)
  • engage  (EN6)
  • engaged  (EN7)
  • enhance  (EN7)
  • enhanced  (EN8)
  • ennead  (EN6)
  • ganache  (GA7)
  • gang  (GA4)
  • ganged  (GA6)
  • gene  (GE4)
  • hand  (HA4)
  • handed  (HA6)
  • hang  (HA4)
  • hanged  (HA6)
  • hence  (HE5)
  • henge  (HE5)
  • henna  (HE5)
  • hennaed  (HE7)
  • naan  (NA4)
  • nada  (NA4)
  • nagged  (NA6)
  • nana  (NA4)
  • need  (NE4)
  • needed  (NE6)
  • nene  (NE4)

Answer Definitions

  • acne (noun): A skin condition, usually of the face, that is common in adolescents. It is characterised by red pimples, and is caused by the inflammation of sebaceous glands through bacterial infection.
  • addend (noun): Addendum, any one of two or more numbers or other terms that are to be added together.
  • addenda (noun): plural of addendum
  • agenda (noun): A temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to.
  • cadence (noun): The act or state of declining or sinking.
  • cancan (noun): A high-kicking chorus line dance originating in France.
  • cane (noun): A plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof The slender, flexible main stem of a plant such as bamboo, including many species in the grass family Gramineae
  • caned (verb): simple past tense and past participle of cane
  • canna (noun): Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers.
  • canned (adjective): Preserved in cans.
  • chance (noun): An opportunity or possibility.
  • chanced (verb): simple past tense and past participle of chance
  • change (verb): To become something different.
  • changed (verb): simple past tense and past participle of change
  • dance (noun): A sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction.
  • danced (verb): simple past tense and past participle of dance
  • dang (verb): Damn.
  • deaden (verb): To render less lively; to diminish; to muffle.
  • deadened (verb): simple past tense and past participle of deaden
  • dean (noun): A senior official in a college or university, who may be in charge of a division or faculty (for example, the dean of science) or have some other advisory or disciplinary function (for example, the dean of students).
  • decadence (noun): A state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration; decay
  • encage (verb): To lock inside a cage; to imprison.
  • encaged (verb): simple past tense and past participle of encage
  • ended (verb): simple past tense and past participle of end
  • engage (verb): To interact socially. To engross or hold the attention of; to keep busy or occupied. To draw into conversation. To attract, to please; to fascinate or win over (someone).
  • engaged (verb): simple past tense and past participle of engage
  • enhance (verb): To lift, raise up.
  • enhanced (adjective): In a version or form that has been improved or made better than some other standard form.
  • ennead (noun): The number nine.
  • ganache (noun): A rich sauce, made of chocolate and cream, used also as the filling of truffles, and as a glaze.
  • gang (verb): To go; walk; proceed.
  • ganged (verb): simple past tense and past participle of gang
  • gene (noun): A theoretical unit of heredity of living organisms; a gene may take several values and in principle predetermines a precise trait of an organism's form (phenotype), such as hair color.
  • hand (noun): The part of the forelimb below the forearm or wrist in a human, and the corresponding part in many other animals.
  • handed (adjective): Having a certain kind or number of hands.
  • hang (verb): To be or remain suspended.
  • hanged (verb): simple past tense and past participle of hang (now only when referring to the method of execution)
  • hence (adverb): from here, from this place, away
  • henge (noun): A prehistoric enclosure in the form of a circle or circular arc defined by a raised circular bank and a circular ditch usually running inside the bank, with one or more entrances leading into the enclosed open space.
  • henna (noun): A shrub, Lawsonia inermis, having fragrant reddish flowers
  • hennaed (adjective): Dyed with henna.
  • naan (noun): A type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine.
  • nada (pronoun): Nothing.
  • nagged (verb): simple past tense and past participle of nag
  • nana (noun): A banana.
  • need (noun): A requirement for something; something needed.
  • needed (adjective): Necessary; being required.
  • nene (noun): The Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis, which was designated the state bird of Hawaii in 1957.