NYT Spelling Bee Answers for May 18, 2022

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 18, 2022

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 18, 2022
Center LetterN
Outer Lettersc, f, i, l, o, t
# of Pangrams2 (Perfect: none)
Total Words42 words
Total Points222 points
Genius Level155 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 18, 2022

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
cl....CL6A medical facility, such as a hospital, especially one for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients.
co....CO6The silky protective case spun by the larvae of some insects in which they metamorphose, the pupa.
co....CO6A rectangular closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial.
co..CO4A piece of currency, usually metallic and in the shape of a disc, but sometimes polygonal, or with a hole in the middle.
co...CO5The punctuation mark ":".
co.....CO7Of, relating to, affecting or within the colon.
co.....CO7To prepare something by mixing various ingredients, especially to prepare food for cooking.
co........CO10The preparing of a medicine, food or other substance out of many ingredients.
co....CO6Any of various kinds of food that have been immersed in a substance for both flavor and preservation.
co...... CO8A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two or more opposing groups or individuals.
co...CO5Synonym of conical
co.......CO9A bold dance performed in groups of eight where women lift their skirts to display their ankles.
co....CO6Gossypium, a genus of plant used as a source of cotton fiber.
fi.....FI7Literary type using invented or imaginative writing, instead of real facts, usually written as prose.
fi....FI6Finished; over with.
fl...FL5A hard, fine-grained quartz that fractures conchoidally and generates sparks when struck against a material such as steel, because tiny chips of the steel are heated to incandescence and burn in air.
fo..FO4A receptacle in a church for holy water, especially one used in baptism.
ic..IC4An image, symbol, picture, or other representation usually as an object of religious devotion.
ic....IC6Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an icon.
in....IN6To fill in a space, hole or gap.
in.....IN7To thrust upon; to impose.
in........ IN10The act of inflicting or something inflicted; an imposition.
in..IN4To or towards the inside of.
io...IO5of, relating to, or containing ions
li..LI4Clinging fuzzy fluff that clings to fabric or accumulates in one's pockets or navel etc.
li..LI4A big cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa, India and formerly much of Europe.
lo..LO4The part of the body (of humans and quadrupeds) at each side of the backbone, between the ribs and hips
lo..LO4An idler, a lout.
lo....LO6A low- to medium-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to unbroken skin.
no........NO10Written works intended to give facts, or true accounts of real things and events. Often used attributively.
no..NO4The time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
no....NO6Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept.
oc.......OC9A thousand trillion trillion, a billion billion billion: 1 followed by 27 zeros, 10.
on...ON5A monocotyledonous plant (Allium cepa), allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice.
on..ON4Upon; on top of.
ti...TI5A tint or colour.
ti.....TI7A thin, pliable sheet of tin or an alloy of tin and lead, used as a protective wrapping.
ti..TI4A slight coloring.
to...TO5Pertaining to tension, especially of muscles.
to..TO4A cartoon, especially an animated television show.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • clinic  (CL6)
  • cocoon  (CO6)
  • coffin  (CO6)
  • coin  (CO4)
  • colon  (CO5)
  • colonic  (CO7)
  • concoct  (CO7)
  • concoction  (CO10)
  • confit  (CO6)
  • conflict  (CO8)
  • conic  (CO5)
  • cotillion  (CO9)
  • cotton  (CO6)
  • fiction  (FI7)
  • finito  (FI6)
  • flint  (FL5)
  • font  (FO4)
  • icon  (IC4)
  • iconic  (IC6)
  • infill  (IN6)
  • inflict  (IN7)
  • infliction  (IN10)
  • info  (IN4)
  • into  (IN4)
  • ionic  (IO5)
  • lint  (LI4)
  • lion  (LI4)
  • loin  (LO4)
  • loon  (LO4)
  • lotion  (LO6)
  • nonfiction  (NO10)
  • nonillion  (NO9)
  • noon  (NO4)
  • notion  (NO6)
  • octillion  (OC9)
  • onion  (ON5)
  • onto  (ON4)
  • tinct  (TI5)
  • tinfoil  (TI7)
  • tint  (TI4)
  • tonic  (TO5)
  • toon  (TO4)

Answer Definitions

  • clinic (noun): A medical facility, such as a hospital, especially one for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients.
  • cocoon (noun): The silky protective case spun by the larvae of some insects in which they metamorphose, the pupa.
  • coffin (noun): A rectangular closed box in which the body of a dead person is placed for burial.
  • coin (noun): A piece of currency, usually metallic and in the shape of a disc, but sometimes polygonal, or with a hole in the middle.
  • colon (noun): The punctuation mark ":".
  • colonic (adjective): Of, relating to, affecting or within the colon.
  • concoct (verb): To prepare something by mixing various ingredients, especially to prepare food for cooking.
  • concoction (noun): The preparing of a medicine, food or other substance out of many ingredients.
  • confit (noun): Any of various kinds of food that have been immersed in a substance for both flavor and preservation.
  • conflict (noun): A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two or more opposing groups or individuals.
  • conic (adjective): Synonym of conical
  • cotillion (noun): A bold dance performed in groups of eight where women lift their skirts to display their ankles.
  • cotton (noun): Gossypium, a genus of plant used as a source of cotton fiber.
  • fiction (noun): Literary type using invented or imaginative writing, instead of real facts, usually written as prose.
  • finito (adjective): Finished; over with.
  • flint (noun): A hard, fine-grained quartz that fractures conchoidally and generates sparks when struck against a material such as steel, because tiny chips of the steel are heated to incandescence and burn in air.
  • font (noun): A receptacle in a church for holy water, especially one used in baptism.
  • icon (noun): An image, symbol, picture, or other representation usually as an object of religious devotion.
  • iconic (adjective): Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an icon.
  • infill (verb): To fill in a space, hole or gap.
  • inflict (verb): To thrust upon; to impose.
  • infliction (noun): The act of inflicting or something inflicted; an imposition.
  • info (noun): information.
  • into (preposition): To or towards the inside of.
  • ionic (adjective): of, relating to, or containing ions
  • lint (noun): Clinging fuzzy fluff that clings to fabric or accumulates in one's pockets or navel etc.
  • lion (noun): A big cat, Panthera leo, native to Africa, India and formerly much of Europe.
  • loin (noun): The part of the body (of humans and quadrupeds) at each side of the backbone, between the ribs and hips
  • loon (noun): An idler, a lout.
  • lotion (noun): A low- to medium-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to unbroken skin.
  • nonfiction (noun): Written works intended to give facts, or true accounts of real things and events. Often used attributively.
  • nonillion (numeral): 10.
  • noon (noun): The time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
  • notion (noun): Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept.
  • octillion (numeral): A thousand trillion trillion, a billion billion billion: 1 followed by 27 zeros, 10.
  • onion (noun): A monocotyledonous plant (Allium cepa), allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice.
  • onto (preposition): Upon; on top of.
  • tinct (noun): A tint or colour.
  • tinfoil (noun): A thin, pliable sheet of tin or an alloy of tin and lead, used as a protective wrapping.
  • tint (noun): A slight coloring.
  • tonic (adjective): Pertaining to tension, especially of muscles.
  • toon (noun): A cartoon, especially an animated television show.