NYT Spelling Bee Answers for May 3, 2022

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 3, 2022

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 3, 2022
Center LetterL
Outer Lettersc, d, i, o, t, y
# of Pangrams1 (Perfect: none)
Total Words51 words
Total Points172 points
Genius Level120 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for May 3, 2022

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
cl..CL4A lump of something, especially of earth or clay.
cl..CL4A thrombus, solidified mass of blood.
cl..CL4To fill up or choke up; to stop up.
co.....CO7An addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.
co..CO4Something wound in the form of a helix or spiral.
co..CO4Having a low temperature.
co....CO6in a cold or uncaring manner; indifferently.
co...CO5Severe pains that grip the abdomen or the disease that causes such pains (due to intestinal or bowel-related problems).
co.....CO7Glue-like; gelatinous.
co..CO4A young male horse.
co..CO4Having a slightly low temperature; mildly or pleasantly cold.
co....CO6In a cool, unpanicked or collected manner.
co...CO5In a coy manner.
cy....CY6Characterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals.
di....DI6A small amount of no worth.
di...DI5An artificial phallus (penis) for sexual use.
di..DI4Anethum graveolens (the type species of the genus Anethum), a herb, the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, formerly used as a soothing medicine for children; also known as dillseed.
di...DI5Redolent of dill (the herb).
do...... DO8The quality of being docile.
do...DO5A small ornamental piece of lace or linen or paper used to protect a surface from scratches by hard objects such as vases or bowls; or to decorate a plate of food.
do..DO4A toy in the form of a human.
do...DO5A doll.
do..DO4A stupid person; a blockhead or dullard.
ic...IC5In the manner of ice; with a cold or chilling effect.
id..ID4Without specific purpose, intent or effort.
id..ID4A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.
id..ID4Alternative spelling of idyll
id...ID5Any poem or short written piece composed in the style of Theocritus' short pastoral poems, the Idylls.
id.....ID7Of or pertaining to idylls.
il.....IL7Not approved by law, but not invalid.
il.......IL9In an illicit manner; illegally, immorally or inappropriately.
il..IL4Badly; poorly.
li...LI5Not forbidden by formal or informal rules.
li.....LI7In a licit manner, legally, in a manner compatible with law.
li..LI4To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.
li..LI4Any of several flowers in the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae, which includes a great many ornamental species.
lo..LO4plural of locus
lo..LO4A direction in written or printed music to be returning to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher or lower.
lo..LO4To act lazily or indolently while reclining; to lean; to lie at ease.
lo..LO4A scoop used to remove scum from brine pans in saltworks.
lo...LO5a game of chance similar to bingo
od...OD5In a peculiar manner; strangely; unusually.
oi..OI4Relating to or resembling oil.
ol..OL4A rich, thick, Spanish stew consisting of meat and vegetables.
ti....TI6In a tidy manner; neatly; cleanly.
ti..TI4Until; to, up to; as late as (a given time).
ti..TI4To slope or incline (something); to slant.
to..TO4Labour, work, especially of a grueling nature.
to..TO4simple past tense and past participle of tell
to..TO4Loss or damage incurred through a disaster.
to..TO4A mechanical device intended to make a task easier.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • clod  (CL4)
  • clot  (CL4)
  • cloy  (CL4)
  • codicil  (CO7)
  • coil  (CO4)
  • cold  (CO4)
  • coldly  (CO6)
  • colic  (CO5)
  • colloid  (CO7)
  • colt  (CO4)
  • cool  (CO4)
  • coolly  (CO6)
  • coyly  (CO5)
  • cyclic  (CY6)
  • diddly  (DI6)
  • dildo  (DI5)
  • dill  (DI4)
  • dilly  (DI5)
  • docility  (DO8)
  • doily  (DO5)
  • doll  (DO4)
  • dolly  (DO5)
  • dolt  (DO4)
  • icily  (IC5)
  • idly  (ID4)
  • idol  (ID4)
  • idyl  (ID4)
  • idyll  (ID5)
  • idyllic  (ID7)
  • illicit  (IL7)
  • illicitly  (IL9)
  • illy  (IL4)
  • licit  (LI5)
  • licitly  (LI7)
  • lilt  (LI4)
  • lily  (LI4)
  • loci  (LO4)
  • loco  (LO4)
  • loll  (LO4)
  • loot  (LO4)
  • lotto  (LO5)
  • oddly  (OD5)
  • oily  (OI4)
  • olio  (OL4)
  • tidily  (TI6)
  • till  (TI4)
  • tilt  (TI4)
  • toil  (TO4)
  • told  (TO4)
  • toll  (TO4)
  • tool  (TO4)

Answer Definitions

  • clod (noun): A lump of something, especially of earth or clay.
  • clot (noun): A thrombus, solidified mass of blood.
  • cloy (verb): To fill up or choke up; to stop up.
  • codicil (noun): An addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.
  • coil (noun): Something wound in the form of a helix or spiral.
  • cold (adjective): Having a low temperature.
  • coldly (adverb): in a cold or uncaring manner; indifferently.
  • colic (noun): Severe pains that grip the abdomen or the disease that causes such pains (due to intestinal or bowel-related problems).
  • colloid (adjective): Glue-like; gelatinous.
  • colt (noun): A young male horse.
  • cool (adjective): Having a slightly low temperature; mildly or pleasantly cold.
  • coolly (adverb): In a cool, unpanicked or collected manner.
  • coyly (adverb): In a coy manner.
  • cyclic (adjective): Characterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals.
  • diddly (noun): A small amount of no worth.
  • dildo (noun): An artificial phallus (penis) for sexual use.
  • dill (noun): Anethum graveolens (the type species of the genus Anethum), a herb, the seeds of which are moderately warming, pungent, and aromatic, formerly used as a soothing medicine for children; also known as dillseed.
  • dilly (adjective): Redolent of dill (the herb).
  • docility (noun): The quality of being docile.
  • doily (noun): A small ornamental piece of lace or linen or paper used to protect a surface from scratches by hard objects such as vases or bowls; or to decorate a plate of food.
  • doll (noun): A toy in the form of a human.
  • dolly (noun): A doll.
  • dolt (noun): A stupid person; a blockhead or dullard.
  • icily (adverb): In the manner of ice; with a cold or chilling effect.
  • idly (adverb): Without specific purpose, intent or effort.
  • idol (noun): A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.
  • idyl (noun): Alternative spelling of idyll
  • idyll (noun): Any poem or short written piece composed in the style of Theocritus' short pastoral poems, the Idylls.
  • idyllic (adjective): Of or pertaining to idylls.
  • illicit (adjective): Not approved by law, but not invalid.
  • illicitly (adverb): In an illicit manner; illegally, immorally or inappropriately.
  • illy (adverb): Badly; poorly.
  • licit (adjective): Not forbidden by formal or informal rules.
  • licitly (adverb): In a licit manner, legally, in a manner compatible with law.
  • lilt (verb): To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.
  • lily (noun): Any of several flowers in the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae, which includes a great many ornamental species.
  • loci (noun): plural of locus
  • loco (adverb): A direction in written or printed music to be returning to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher or lower.
  • loll (verb): To act lazily or indolently while reclining; to lean; to lie at ease.
  • loot (noun): A scoop used to remove scum from brine pans in saltworks.
  • lotto (noun): a game of chance similar to bingo
  • oddly (adverb): In a peculiar manner; strangely; unusually.
  • oily (adjective): Relating to or resembling oil.
  • olio (noun): A rich, thick, Spanish stew consisting of meat and vegetables.
  • tidily (adverb): In a tidy manner; neatly; cleanly.
  • till (preposition): Until; to, up to; as late as (a given time).
  • tilt (verb): To slope or incline (something); to slant.
  • toil (noun): Labour, work, especially of a grueling nature.
  • told (verb): simple past tense and past participle of tell
  • toll (noun): Loss or damage incurred through a disaster.
  • tool (noun): A mechanical device intended to make a task easier.