NYT Spelling Bee Answers for January 12, 2022

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for January 12, 2022

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for January 12, 2022
Center LetterE
Outer Lettersi, l, p, t, v, x
# of Pangrams1 (Perfect: none)
Total Words43 words
Total Points176 points
Genius Level123 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for January 12, 2022

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
el...EL5Of high birth or social position; aristocratic or patrician.
ep..EP4A sharp-pointed dueling sword with a bell-shaped guard, used (with the end blunted) in sport fencing.
ev..EV4Intending to harm; malevolent.
ex...EX5The state of being banished from one's home or country.
ex..EX4An act of going out or going away, or leaving; a departure.
ex...EX5To eject or erupt.
ex......EX8One who is expelled.
ex....... EX9Serving to fill up, merely for effect, otherwise redundant.
le...LE5An elevated geographical feature.
le...LE5The same height at all places; parallel to a flat ground.
li..LI4Abridged; refers to a simpler or unpaid version of a product.
li....LI6Small in size.
li..LI4To be alive; to have life.
pe..PE4To remove the skin or outer covering of.
pe..PE4A short, soft, high-pitched sound, as made by a baby bird.
pe...PE5An annoyance or grievance.
pe....PE6A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter.
pe..PE4The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it.
pe...PE5Petite: small, little.
pe....PE6fairly short and of slim build.
pi..PI4A mass of things heaped together; a heap.
pi..PI4Meanings relating to a wind instrument. A wind instrument consisting of a tube, often lined with holes to allow for adjustment in pitch, sounded by blowing into the tube. A tube used to produce sound in an organ; an organ pipe. The key or sound of the voice. A high-pitched sound, especially of a bird.
pi...PI5Alternative form of pipette
pi.....PI7A small tube, often with an enlargement or bulb in the middle, and usually graduated, used for transferring or delivering measured quantities of a liquid.
pi...PI5One of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory.
pi...PI5A playful sprite or elflike or fairy-like creature.
pl..PL4Alternative spelling of plié
te....TE6A cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America.
te......TE8Alternative form of Teletext
te...TE5A network of teletypes.
te..TE4To count, reckon, or enumerate.
te...TE5Alternative form of teepee
te..TE4A writing consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols or sentences.
te.....TE7Any material made of interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles.
ti..TI4A regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile, glazed tile, stove tile, carpet tile etc.
ti....TI6A shoulder covering, typically the fur of a fox, with long ends that dangle in front.
ti....TI6An area near the entrance of mines which is used to load and unload coal.
ti...TI5An appellation given to a person or family to signify either veneration, official position, social rank, the possession of assets or properties, or a professional or academic qualification. See also Category:Titles
ti....TI6Any small dot, stroke, or diacritical mark, especially if part of a letter, or if a letter-like abbreviation; in particular, the dots over the Latin letters i and j.
ve..VE4The Vice President of the United States; the office of Vice President of the United States, especially during an election cycle where several are in the running for the nomination.
ve..VE4Something hung up or spread out to hide or protect the face, or hide an object from view; usually of gauze, crepe, or similar diaphanous material.
ve....VE6A closely woven fabric (originally of silk, now also of cotton or man-made fibres) with a thick short pile on one side.
vi..VI4Morally low; base; despicable.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • elite  (EL5)
  • epee  (EP4)
  • evil  (EV4)
  • exile  (EX5)
  • exit  (EX4)
  • expel  (EX5)
  • expellee  (EX8)
  • expletive  (EX9)
  • levee  (LE5)
  • level  (LE5)
  • lite  (LI4)
  • little  (LI6)
  • live  (LI4)
  • peel  (PE4)
  • peep  (PE4)
  • peeve  (PE5)
  • pellet  (PE6)
  • pelt  (PE4)
  • petit  (PE5)
  • petite  (PE6)
  • pile  (PI4)
  • pipe  (PI4)
  • pipet  (PI5)
  • pipette  (PI7)
  • pixel  (PI5)
  • pixie  (PI5)
  • plie  (PL4)
  • teepee  (TE6)
  • teletext  (TE8)
  • telex  (TE5)
  • tell  (TE4)
  • tepee  (TE5)
  • text  (TE4)
  • textile  (TE7)
  • tile  (TI4)
  • tippet  (TI6)
  • tipple  (TI6)
  • title  (TI5)
  • tittle  (TI6)
  • veep  (VE4)
  • veil  (VE4)
  • velvet  (VE6)
  • vile  (VI4)

Answer Definitions

  • elite (adjective): Of high birth or social position; aristocratic or patrician.
  • epee (noun): A sharp-pointed dueling sword with a bell-shaped guard, used (with the end blunted) in sport fencing.
  • evil (adjective): Intending to harm; malevolent.
  • exile (noun): The state of being banished from one's home or country.
  • exit (noun): An act of going out or going away, or leaving; a departure.
  • expel (verb): To eject or erupt.
  • expellee (noun): One who is expelled.
  • expletive (adjective): Serving to fill up, merely for effect, otherwise redundant.
  • levee (noun): An elevated geographical feature.
  • level (adjective): The same height at all places; parallel to a flat ground.
  • lite (adjective): Abridged; refers to a simpler or unpaid version of a product.
  • little (adjective): Small in size.
  • live (verb): To be alive; to have life.
  • peel (verb): To remove the skin or outer covering of.
  • peep (noun): A short, soft, high-pitched sound, as made by a baby bird.
  • peeve (noun): An annoyance or grievance.
  • pellet (noun): A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter.
  • pelt (noun): The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it.
  • petit (adjective): Petite: small, little.
  • petite (adjective): fairly short and of slim build.
  • pile (noun): A mass of things heaped together; a heap.
  • pipe (noun): Meanings relating to a wind instrument. A wind instrument consisting of a tube, often lined with holes to allow for adjustment in pitch, sounded by blowing into the tube. A tube used to produce sound in an organ; an organ pipe. The key or sound of the voice. A high-pitched sound, especially of a bird.
  • pipet (noun): Alternative form of pipette
  • pipette (noun): A small tube, often with an enlargement or bulb in the middle, and usually graduated, used for transferring or delivering measured quantities of a liquid.
  • pixel (noun): One of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory.
  • pixie (noun): A playful sprite or elflike or fairy-like creature.
  • plie (noun): Alternative spelling of plié
  • teepee (noun): A cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America.
  • teletext (noun): Alternative form of Teletext
  • telex (noun): A network of teletypes.
  • tell (verb): To count, reckon, or enumerate.
  • tepee (noun): Alternative form of teepee
  • text (noun): A writing consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols or sentences.
  • textile (noun): Any material made of interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles.
  • tile (noun): A regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile, glazed tile, stove tile, carpet tile etc.
  • tippet (noun): A shoulder covering, typically the fur of a fox, with long ends that dangle in front.
  • tipple (noun): An area near the entrance of mines which is used to load and unload coal.
  • title (noun): An appellation given to a person or family to signify either veneration, official position, social rank, the possession of assets or properties, or a professional or academic qualification. See also Category:Titles
  • tittle (noun): Any small dot, stroke, or diacritical mark, especially if part of a letter, or if a letter-like abbreviation; in particular, the dots over the Latin letters i and j.
  • veep (noun): The Vice President of the United States; the office of Vice President of the United States, especially during an election cycle where several are in the running for the nomination.
  • veil (noun): Something hung up or spread out to hide or protect the face, or hide an object from view; usually of gauze, crepe, or similar diaphanous material.
  • velvet (noun): A closely woven fabric (originally of silk, now also of cotton or man-made fibres) with a thick short pile on one side.
  • vile (adjective): Morally low; base; despicable.