NYT Spelling Bee Answers for December 27, 2021

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for December 27, 2021

Game Summary

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for December 27, 2021
Center LetterM
Outer Lettersa, g, l, o, r, u
# of Pangrams1 (Perfect: 1)
Total Words48 words
Total Points191 points
Genius Level134 points

Table of Contents

As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!

  1. Spelling Bee Grid
  2. Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
  3. Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
  4. Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
  5. Today's Complete Solution
  6. Answer Definitions

If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee "Hive" Board for December 27, 2021

Spelling Bee Grid

The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.


Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.


Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints

The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.


Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)

The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.

Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.

Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol ().

Word2L RefDefinition (click to reveal)
al...AL5A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
al....AL6A danger signal or warning.
al..AL4An astringent salt, usually occurring in the form of pale crystals, much used in the dyeing and tanning trade and in certain medicines, and now understood to be a double sulphate of potassium and aluminium (K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O).
am.....AM7An alloy containing mercury.
am....AM6Neither moral nor immoral.
am...AM5Love, affection.
ar...AR5A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces.
ar...AR5A smell; especially a pleasant spicy or fragrant one.
ar..AR4A flower or plant in the genus Arum
ga...GA5The third letter of the Greek alphabet (Γ, γ), preceded by beta (Β, β) and followed by delta, (Δ, δ).
gl....GL6Alternative spelling of glamour
gl..... GL7Originally, enchantment; magic charm; especially, the effect of a spell that causes one to see objects in a form that differs from reality, typically to make filthy, ugly, or repulsive things seems beauteous.
gl..GL4To steal, to grab.
gl...GL5Darkness, dimness, or obscurity.
gl..GL4despondent; moody; sullen
gr..GR4A unit of mass equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram. Symbol: g.
gr.....GR7A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language.
gr...GR5A man who is about to marry.
la..LA4A master of Tibetan Buddhism.
ll...LL5A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.
lo..LO4A type of soil; an earthy mixture of sand, silt and clay, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due.
lo......LO8A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase.
lo..LO4A utensil; tool; a weapon; an article in general.
ma...MA5The molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc.
ma..MA4A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct.
ma..MA4Mother, female parent.
ma...MA5The milk-secreting organ of female humans and other mammals which includes the mammary gland and the nipple or teat; a breast; an udder.
ma....MA6An animal of the class Mammalia, characterized by being warm-blooded, having hair and producing milk with which to feed its young.
ma.......MA9An X-ray picture of the breasts (mammaries), used to screen for breast cancer.
ma..MA4madam; a polite term of address for a lady.
ma..MA4A heavy long-handled hammer, used for splitting logs by driving a wedge into them, or in combat.
mo...MO5A rich or powerful person; a magnate, nabob.
mo...MO5A back tooth having a broad surface used for grinding one's food.
mo..MO4A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.
mo...MO5Money, cash.
mo..MO4An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy, and abounding in peat; a heath
mo...MO5Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour.
mu..MU4(usually with over) To work (over) mentally; to cogitate; to ruminate.
mu...MU5A large painting, usually drawn on a wall.
mu....MU6Any low, indistinct sound, like that of running water.
mu....MU6A long loose-fitting dress made of lightweight fabric printed with bright, stylized Hawaiian themes (such as flowers and palm branches).
ro..RO4To wander or travel freely and with no specific destination.
ro..RO4Opportunity or scope (to do something).
ru...RU5A statement or claim of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable source, usually spread by word of mouth.

Today's Complete Solution

The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.

Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.

  • alarm  (AL5)
  • alarum  (AL6)
  • alum  (AL4)
  • amalgam  (AM7)
  • ammo  (AM4)
  • amoral  (AM6)
  • amour  (AM5)
  • armor  (AR5)
  • aroma  (AR5)
  • arum  (AR4)
  • gamma  (GA5)
  • glam  (GL4)
  • glamor  (GL6)
  • glamour  (GL7)
  • glom  (GL4)
  • gloom  (GL5)
  • glum  (GL4)
  • gram  (GR4)
  • gramma  (GR6)
  • grammar  (GR7)
  • groom  (GR5)
  • lama  (LA4)
  • llama  (LL5)
  • loam  (LO4)
  • logogram  (LO8)
  • loom  (LO4)
  • magma  (MA5)
  • mall  (MA4)
  • mama  (MA4)
  • mamma  (MA5)
  • mammal  (MA6)
  • mammogram  (MA9)
  • marm  (MA4)
  • maul  (MA4)
  • mogul  (MO5)
  • molar  (MO5)
  • moll  (MO4)
  • momma  (MO5)
  • moola  (MO5)
  • moor  (MO4)
  • moral  (MO5)
  • mull  (MU4)
  • mural  (MU5)
  • murmur  (MU6)
  • muumuu  (MU6)
  • roam  (RO4)
  • room  (RO4)
  • rumor  (RU5)

Answer Definitions

  • alarm (noun): A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
  • alarum (noun): A danger signal or warning.
  • alum (noun): An astringent salt, usually occurring in the form of pale crystals, much used in the dyeing and tanning trade and in certain medicines, and now understood to be a double sulphate of potassium and aluminium (K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O).
  • amalgam (noun): An alloy containing mercury.
  • ammo (noun): Ammunition.
  • amoral (adjective): Neither moral nor immoral.
  • amour (noun): Love, affection.
  • armor (noun): A protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces.
  • aroma (noun): A smell; especially a pleasant spicy or fragrant one.
  • arum (noun): A flower or plant in the genus Arum
  • gamma (noun): The third letter of the Greek alphabet (Γ, γ), preceded by beta (Β, β) and followed by delta, (Δ, δ).
  • glam (noun): Glamour.
  • glamor (noun): Alternative spelling of glamour
  • glamour (noun): Originally, enchantment; magic charm; especially, the effect of a spell that causes one to see objects in a form that differs from reality, typically to make filthy, ugly, or repulsive things seems beauteous.
  • glom (verb): To steal, to grab.
  • gloom (noun): Darkness, dimness, or obscurity.
  • glum (adjective): despondent; moody; sullen
  • gram (noun): A unit of mass equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram. Symbol: g.
  • gramma (noun): grandmother
  • grammar (noun): A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language.
  • groom (noun): A man who is about to marry.
  • lama (noun): A master of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • llama (noun): A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.
  • loam (noun): A type of soil; an earthy mixture of sand, silt and clay, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due.
  • logogram (noun): A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase.
  • loom (noun): A utensil; tool; a weapon; an article in general.
  • magma (noun): The molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc.
  • mall (noun): A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct.
  • mama (noun): Mother, female parent.
  • mamma (noun): The milk-secreting organ of female humans and other mammals which includes the mammary gland and the nipple or teat; a breast; an udder.
  • mammal (noun): An animal of the class Mammalia, characterized by being warm-blooded, having hair and producing milk with which to feed its young.
  • mammogram (noun): An X-ray picture of the breasts (mammaries), used to screen for breast cancer.
  • marm (noun): madam; a polite term of address for a lady.
  • maul (noun): A heavy long-handled hammer, used for splitting logs by driving a wedge into them, or in combat.
  • mogul (noun): A rich or powerful person; a magnate, nabob.
  • molar (noun): A back tooth having a broad surface used for grinding one's food.
  • moll (noun): A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.
  • momma (noun): mother
  • moola (noun): Money, cash.
  • moor (noun): An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy, and abounding in peat; a heath
  • moral (adjective): Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour.
  • mull (verb): (usually with over) To work (over) mentally; to cogitate; to ruminate.
  • mural (noun): A large painting, usually drawn on a wall.
  • murmur (noun): Any low, indistinct sound, like that of running water.
  • muumuu (noun): A long loose-fitting dress made of lightweight fabric printed with bright, stylized Hawaiian themes (such as flowers and palm branches).
  • roam (verb): To wander or travel freely and with no specific destination.
  • room (noun): Opportunity or scope (to do something).
  • rumor (noun): A statement or claim of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable source, usually spread by word of mouth.