NYT Spelling Bee Answers for March 22, 2021

Game Summary

Center Letter | N |
Outer Letters | a, c, i, m, t, y |
# of Pangrams | 1 (Perfect: none) |
Total Words | 53 words |
Total Points | 261 points |
Genius Level | 183 points |
Bingo? | No |
Table of Contents
As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!
- Spelling Bee Grid
- Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
- Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
- Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
- Today's Complete Solution
- Answer Definitions
If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee Grid
The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.
4</th><th>5</th><th>6</th><th>7</th><th>8</th><th>9 | Σ | ||||||
A | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | 5 |
C | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | - | - | 11 |
I | - | - | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | 4 |
M | 5 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 1 | - | 16 |
N | 2 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | 7 |
T | 2 | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | 1 | 10 |
Y | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Σ | 12 | 18 | 13 | 7 | 2 | 1 | 53 |
Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.
A | AN×3 AT×2 |
C | CA×9 CY×2 |
I | IN×4 |
M | MA×8 MI×7 MY×1 |
N | NA×5 NI×2 |
T | TA×4 TI×6 |
Y |
Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.
A | ANI×1 ANT×2 ATT×2 |
C | CAI×1 CAN×6 CAT×1 CAY×1 CYA×1 CYN×1 |
I | INA×1 INC×1 INT×2 |
M | MAI×2 MAN×6 MIN×7 MYN×1 |
N | NAA×1 NAN×2 NAT×2 NIA×1 NIN×1 |
T | TAC×1 TAI×1 TAN×2 TIN×4 TIT×2 |
Y |
Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)
The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.
Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.
Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol (†).
Word | 2L Ref | Definition (click to reveal) |
an... | AN5 | The soul or animating principle of a living thing, especially as contrasted with the animus. |
an.. | AN4 | Opposed to something. |
an... | AN5 | Playful, funny, absurd. |
at.... | AT6 | To gain (an object or desired result). |
at..... | AT7 | Convicted, attainted. |
ca.... | CA6 | Any of the relatively small crocodilians of the genus Caiman, within the family Alligatoridae. |
ca.... | CA6 | A high-kicking chorus line dance originating in France. |
ca... | CA5 | Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers. |
ca... | CA5 | Careful, prudent, cautious. |
ca.. | CA4 | An argot, the jargon of a particular class or subgroup. |
ca..... | CA7 | A vocal composition accompanied by instruments and generally containing more than one movement, typical of 17th and 18th century Italian music. |
ca..... | CA7 | A drinking establishment, often specifically of the type found in Latin America. |
ca..... | CA7 | Synonym of catnip (the plant Nepeta cataria, or other members of the genus) |
ca.... | CA6 | Alternative spelling of caiman |
cy.. | CY4 | A vibrant pale greenish-blue colour between blue and green in the visible spectrum; the complementary colour of red; the colour obtained by subtracting red from white light. |
cy... | CY5 | cynical (in all senses) |
in..... | IN7 | The property of lacking sense or meaning (often to the point of boredom or annoyance). |
in.... | IN6 | To state solemnly, to chant. |
in.... | IN6 | Left complete or whole; not touched, defiled, sullied or otherwise damaged. |
in...... † | IN8 | Feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness towards someone else, not necessarily involving sexuality. |
ma.. | MA4 | Of chief or leading importance; prime, principal. |
ma...... | MA8 | To support (someone), to back up or assist (someone) in an action. |
ma... | MA5 | Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. |
ma.... | MA6 | An insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania. |
ma... | MA5 | Of or pertaining to someone who exhibits mania or craziness; wicked. |
ma... | MA5 | Food miraculously produced for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus. |
ma... | MA5 | A kind of fabric or blanket used in Latin America and southwestern United States. |
ma.. | MA4 | An indefinite large number of. |
mi.. | MI4 | Miniature, tiny, small. |
mi..... | MI7 | A small movie camera. |
mi... | MI5 | A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem. |
mi.... | MI6 | plural of minimum |
mi.. | MI4 | A building or institution where money (originally, only coins) is produced under government licence. |
mi... | MI5 | Having a flavour or essence of mint. |
mi.... | MI6 | The minimum number of ten (male) adult Jews required for a communal religious service. |
my.. | MY4 | One of the South and East Asian birds of the starling family Sturnidae. |
na.. | NA4 | A type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine. |
na.. | NA4 | A banana. |
na... | NA5 | A child's nurse. |
na.... | NA6 | floating or swimming (in water) |
na... | NA5 | Smart and fashionable. |
ni.... | NI6 | A water-soluble vitamin, a component of vitamin B complex, found in meat, yeast, and dairy products; it is essential to metabolism. |
ni... | NI5 | A silly or foolish person. |
ta....... | TA9 | A person skilled in the planning and execution of tactics. |
ta... | TA5 | A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food. |
ta.... | TA6 | Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin. |
ta.... | TA6 | Tannic acid or any of its derivatives. |
ti... | TI5 | A tint or colour. |
ti... | TI5 | having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound. |
ti.. | TI4 | A slight coloring. |
ti.. | TI4 | Very small. |
ti... | TI5 | Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness. |
ti..... | TI7 | Alternative letter-case form of Titanic Of or relating to the Titans, a race of giant gods in Greek mythology. Having great size, or great force, power, or strength. Of a conflict or contest: involving equally powerful participants. |
Today's Complete Solution
The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.
Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.
- anima (AN5)
- anti (AN4)
- antic (AN5)
- attain (AT6)
- attaint (AT7)
- caiman (CA6)
- cancan (CA6)
- canna (CA5)
- canny (CA5)
- cant (CA4)
- cantata (CA7)
- cantina (CA7)
- catmint (CA7)
- cayman (CA6)
- cyan (CY4)
- cynic (CY5)
- inanity (IN7)
- incant (IN6)
- intact (IN6)
- intimacy† (IN8)
- main (MA4)
- maintain (MA8)
- mania (MA5)
- maniac (MA6)
- manic (MA5)
- manna (MA5)
- manta (MA5)
- many (MA4)
- mini (MI4)
- minicam (MI7)
- minim (MI5)
- minima (MI6)
- mint (MI4)
- minty (MI5)
- minyan (MI6)
- myna (MY4)
- naan (NA4)
- nana (NA4)
- nanny (NA5)
- natant (NA6)
- natty (NA5)
- niacin (NI6)
- ninny (NI5)
- tactician (TA9)
- taint (TA5)
- tannic (TA6)
- tannin (TA6)
- tinct (TI5)
- tinny (TI5)
- tint (TI4)
- tiny (TI4)
- titan (TI5)
- titanic (TI7)
Answer Definitions
- anima (noun): The soul or animating principle of a living thing, especially as contrasted with the animus.
- anti (adjective): Opposed to something.
- antic (adjective): Playful, funny, absurd.
- attain (verb): To gain (an object or desired result).
- attaint (adjective): Convicted, attainted.
- caiman (noun): Any of the relatively small crocodilians of the genus Caiman, within the family Alligatoridae.
- cancan (noun): A high-kicking chorus line dance originating in France.
- canna (noun): Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers.
- canny (adjective): Careful, prudent, cautious.
- cant (noun): An argot, the jargon of a particular class or subgroup.
- cantata (noun): A vocal composition accompanied by instruments and generally containing more than one movement, typical of 17th and 18th century Italian music.
- cantina (noun): A drinking establishment, often specifically of the type found in Latin America.
- catmint (noun): Synonym of catnip (the plant Nepeta cataria, or other members of the genus)
- cayman (noun): Alternative spelling of caiman
- cyan (noun): A vibrant pale greenish-blue colour between blue and green in the visible spectrum; the complementary colour of red; the colour obtained by subtracting red from white light.
- cynic (adjective): cynical (in all senses)
- inanity (noun): The property of lacking sense or meaning (often to the point of boredom or annoyance).
- incant (verb): To state solemnly, to chant.
- intact (adjective): Left complete or whole; not touched, defiled, sullied or otherwise damaged.
- intimacy† (noun): Feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness towards someone else, not necessarily involving sexuality.
- main (adjective): Of chief or leading importance; prime, principal.
- maintain (verb): To support (someone), to back up or assist (someone) in an action.
- mania (noun): Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity.
- maniac (noun): An insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania.
- manic (adjective): Of or pertaining to someone who exhibits mania or craziness; wicked.
- manna (noun): Food miraculously produced for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus.
- manta (noun): A kind of fabric or blanket used in Latin America and southwestern United States.
- many (determiner): An indefinite large number of.
- mini (adjective): Miniature, tiny, small.
- minicam (noun): A small movie camera.
- minim (noun): A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem.
- minima (noun): plural of minimum
- mint (noun): A building or institution where money (originally, only coins) is produced under government licence.
- minty (adjective): Having a flavour or essence of mint.
- minyan (noun): The minimum number of ten (male) adult Jews required for a communal religious service.
- myna (noun): One of the South and East Asian birds of the starling family Sturnidae.
- naan (noun): A type of round, flat bread baked in a tandoor popular in South and Central Asian cuisine.
- nana (noun): A banana.
- nanny (noun): A child's nurse.
- natant (adjective): floating or swimming (in water)
- natty (adjective): Smart and fashionable.
- niacin (noun): A water-soluble vitamin, a component of vitamin B complex, found in meat, yeast, and dairy products; it is essential to metabolism.
- ninny (noun): A silly or foolish person.
- tactician (noun): A person skilled in the planning and execution of tactics.
- taint (noun): A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food.
- tannic (adjective): Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin.
- tannin (noun): Tannic acid or any of its derivatives.
- tinct (noun): A tint or colour.
- tinny (adjective): having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound.
- tint (noun): A slight coloring.
- tiny (adjective): Very small.
- titan (noun): Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness.
- titanic (adjective): Alternative letter-case form of Titanic Of or relating to the Titans, a race of giant gods in Greek mythology. Having great size, or great force, power, or strength. Of a conflict or contest: involving equally powerful participants.