NYT Spelling Bee Answers for October 4, 2020

Game Summary

Center Letter | T |
Outer Letters | a, d, i, n, o, x |
# of Pangrams | 3 (Perfect: 1) |
Total Words | 38 words |
Total Points | 216 points |
Genius Level | 151 points |
Bingo? | No |
Table of Contents
As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!
- Spelling Bee Grid
- Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
- Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
- Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
- Today's Complete Solution
- Answer Definitions
If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee Grid
The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.
4</th><th>5</th><th>6</th><th>7</th><th>8</th><th>9</th><th>10</th><th>11 | Σ | ||||||||
A | 1 | - | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 |
D | 2 | 1 | - | - | 1 | - | - | - | 4 |
I | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | 2 | - | 5 |
N | - | - | 3 | - | 1 | - | - | - | 4 |
O | 1 | - | - | 1 | - | 1 | - | - | 3 |
T | 6 | 4 | 2 | - | 1 | - | - | - | 13 |
X | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Σ | 12 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 38 |
Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.
A | AD×1 AN×5 AT×3 |
D | DA×1 DI×2 DO×1 |
I | ID×1 IN×3 IO×1 |
N | NA×2 NO×2 |
O | ON×1 OX×2 |
T | TA×7 TI×2 TO×4 |
X |
Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.
A | ADD×1 ANN×1 ANO×1 ANT×3 ATA×1 ATT×2 |
D | DAT×1 DIN×1 DIT×1 DON×1 |
I | IDI×1 INI×1 INT×2 IOT×1 |
N | NAT×2 NOT×2 |
O | ONT×1 OXI×2 |
T | TAI×1 TAN×1 TAT×1 TAX×4 TIN×1 TIT×1 TOA×1 TOO×2 TOX×1 |
X |
Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)
The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.
Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.
Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol (†).
Word | 2L Ref | Definition (click to reveal) |
ad...... | AD8 | The act of adding anything. |
an........ | AN10 | A critical or explanatory commentary or analysis. |
an.... | AN6 | To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance; also, to spread over, as oil. |
an.. | AN4 | Opposed to something. |
an......... † | AN11 | Any substance that acts to slow or prevent the oxidation of another chemical. |
an....... | AN9 | A medicine able to neutralize a toxin. |
at.... | AT6 | Lack of coordination while performing voluntary movements, which may appear to be clumsiness, inaccuracy, or instability. |
at.... | AT6 | To gain (an object or desired result). |
at..... | AT7 | Convicted, attainted. |
da.. | DA4 | plural of datum |
di.. | DI4 | A blow, stroke, especially dealt in a fight. |
di... | DI5 | That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise. |
do...... | DO8 | A voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause. |
id... | ID5 | A person of low general intelligence. |
in........ | IN10 | The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced |
in.. | IN4 | To or towards the inside of. |
in........ | IN10 | The rise and fall of the voice in speaking. |
io.. | IO4 | The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. |
na.... | NA6 | floating or swimming (in water) |
na.... | NA6 | A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed based on a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. |
no...... | NO8 | The act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters. |
no.... | NO6 | Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept. |
on.. | ON4 | Upon; on top of. |
ox..... † | OX7 | an oxidizing agent |
ox....... † | OX9 | The combination of a substance with oxygen. |
ta... | TA5 | A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food. |
ta.... | TA6 | Tannic acid or any of its derivatives. |
ta.... | TA6 | An image made in the skin with ink and a needle. |
ta.. | TA4 | plural of taxon |
ta...... | TA8 | The act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed. |
ta.. | TA4 | A vehicle that may be hired for single journeys by members of the public, driven by a taxi driver. |
ta... | TA5 | A group of one or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit. |
ti.. | TI4 | A slight coloring. |
ti... | TI5 | Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness. |
to.. | TO4 | An amphibian, a kind of frog (order Anura) with shorter hindlegs and a drier, wartier skin, many in family Bufonidae. |
to.. | TO4 | A cartoon, especially an animated television show. |
to.. | TO4 | The noise of a horn or whistle. |
to... | TO5 | A toxic substance, specifically a poison produced by the biological processes of organisms. |
Today's Complete Solution
The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.
Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.
- addition (AD8)
- annotation (AN10)
- anoint (AN6)
- anti (AN4)
- antioxidant† (AN11)
- antitoxin (AN9)
- ataxia (AT6)
- attain (AT6)
- attaint (AT7)
- data (DA4)
- dint (DI4)
- ditto (DI5)
- donation (DO8)
- idiot (ID5)
- initiation (IN10)
- into (IN4)
- intonation (IN10)
- iota (IO4)
- natant (NA6)
- nation (NA6)
- notation (NO8)
- notion (NO6)
- onto (ON4)
- oxidant† (OX7)
- oxidation† (OX9)
- taint (TA5)
- tannin (TA6)
- tattoo (TA6)
- taxa (TA4)
- taxation (TA8)
- taxi (TA4)
- taxon (TA5)
- tint (TI4)
- titan (TI5)
- toad (TO4)
- toon (TO4)
- toot (TO4)
- toxin (TO5)
Answer Definitions
- addition (noun): The act of adding anything.
- annotation (noun): A critical or explanatory commentary or analysis.
- anoint (verb): To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance; also, to spread over, as oil.
- anti (adjective): Opposed to something.
- antioxidant† (noun): Any substance that acts to slow or prevent the oxidation of another chemical.
- antitoxin (noun): A medicine able to neutralize a toxin.
- ataxia (noun): Lack of coordination while performing voluntary movements, which may appear to be clumsiness, inaccuracy, or instability.
- attain (verb): To gain (an object or desired result).
- attaint (adjective): Convicted, attainted.
- data (noun): plural of datum
- dint (noun): A blow, stroke, especially dealt in a fight.
- ditto (noun): That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise.
- donation (noun): A voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause.
- idiot (noun): A person of low general intelligence.
- initiation (noun): The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced
- into (preposition): To or towards the inside of.
- intonation (noun): The rise and fall of the voice in speaking.
- iota (noun): The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet.
- natant (adjective): floating or swimming (in water)
- nation (noun): A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed based on a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
- notation (noun): The act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters.
- notion (noun): Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept.
- onto (preposition): Upon; on top of.
- oxidant† (noun): an oxidizing agent
- oxidation† (noun): The combination of a substance with oxygen.
- taint (noun): A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food.
- tannin (noun): Tannic acid or any of its derivatives.
- tattoo (noun): An image made in the skin with ink and a needle.
- taxa (noun): plural of taxon
- taxation (noun): The act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed.
- taxi (noun): A vehicle that may be hired for single journeys by members of the public, driven by a taxi driver.
- taxon (noun): A group of one or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit.
- tint (noun): A slight coloring.
- titan (noun): Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness.
- toad (noun): An amphibian, a kind of frog (order Anura) with shorter hindlegs and a drier, wartier skin, many in family Bufonidae.
- toon (noun): A cartoon, especially an animated television show.
- toot (noun): The noise of a horn or whistle.
- toxin (noun): A toxic substance, specifically a poison produced by the biological processes of organisms.