NYT Spelling Bee Answers for August 9, 2020

Game Summary

Center Letter | P |
Outer Letters | a, c, e, m, n, t |
# of Pangrams | 1 (Perfect: none) |
Total Words | 52 words |
Total Points | 237 points |
Genius Level | 166 points |
Bingo? | No |
Table of Contents
As you scroll down this page, the clues get progressively more revealing. So scroll slowly!
- Spelling Bee Grid
- Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
- Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
- Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing) 🤯
- Today's Complete Solution
- Answer Definitions
If you're just here for a list of NYT Spelling Bee answers, Jump down to the answers ↓ (Spoiler Alert!).

Spelling Bee Grid
The following table shows the standard Spelling Bee summary grid, which lists word lengths across the top and letters down the left-hand side. The cell where the word lengths and letters intersect displays the number of words in today's puzzle with the corresponding first letter and word length.
4</th><th>5</th><th>6</th><th>7</th><th>8</th><th>9</th><th>10 | Σ | |||||||
A | - | 2 | 3 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 8 |
C | 2 | - | 2 | - | - | - | - | 4 |
E | 1 | - | 1 | - | - | - | 1 | 3 |
M | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
N | 2 | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | 3 |
P | 10 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 2 | - | - | 27 |
T | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | 7 | Σ | 19 | 10 | 11 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 52 |
Two-Letter List (2LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding two letters.
A | AC×3 AP×4 AT×1 |
C | CA×4 |
E | EN×2 EP×1 |
M | |
N | NA×2 NE×1 |
P | PA×13 PE×14 |
T | TA×3 TE×4 |
Three-Letter List (3LL) Hints
The following list shows the number of solution words that begin with the corresponding three letters.
A | ACC×3 APA×1 APE×2 APN×1 ATT×1 |
C | CAM×1 CAN×1 CAP×1 CAT×1 |
E | ENC×2 EPE×1 |
M | |
N | NAM×1 NAP×1 NEA×1 |
P | PAC×2 PAE×1 PAM×1 PAN×5 PAP×1 PAT×3 PEA×2 PEC×2 PEE×2 PEN×8 |
T | TAM×1 TAP×2 TEE×1 TEM×2 TEP×1 |
Extra Letter Hints (Incrementally Revealing)
The table below lists all of the solutions to today's puzzle, but they're concealed. You can click the plus button (+) to reveal additional letters, one-by-one.
Concealed definitions are provided as additional clues. You can toggle concealment of the definitions by clicking on the concealer bar or the text that appears when the definition is visible.
Pangrams are marked with a dagger symbol (†).
Word | 2L Ref | Definition (click to reveal) |
ac.... | AC6 | To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval. |
ac........ | AC10 | The act of accepting; the receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction; especially, favourable reception; approval. |
ac....... | AC9 | accepting; receiving. |
ap... | AP5 | Quickly, rapidly, with speed. |
ap.... | AP6 | A prehistoric man resembling an ape, especially one held to be a precursor to modern humans; a non-human australopithecine. |
ap.... | AP6 | plural of apeman |
ap... | AP5 | The cessation of breathing, most often in reference to transient instances thereof during sleep. |
at..... | AT7 | To try. |
ca.. | CA4 | An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures. |
ca.... | CA6 | Alternative spelling of canapé |
ca.. | CA4 | A piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into a sea or lake; a promontory; a headland. |
ca.... | CA6 | A brief, light sleep, usually during the daytime. |
en.... | EN6 | To establish a camp or temporary shelter. |
en........ † | EN10 | A campsite. |
ep.. | EP4 | A sharp-pointed dueling sword with a bell-shaped guard, used (with the end blunted) in sport fencing. |
na...... | NA8 | A kind of nametag that can be sewn onto clothing. |
na.. | NA4 | The back part of the neck. |
ne.. | NE4 | The tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals. |
pa.. | PA4 | Step. A step taken with the foot. The distance covered in a step (or sometimes two), either vaguely or according to various specific set measurements. |
pa.. | PA4 | An agreement; a compact; a covenant. |
pa... | PA5 | A chant or song, especially a hymn of thanksgiving for deliverance or victory, to Apollo or sometimes another god or goddess; hence any song sung to solicit victory in battle. |
pa... | PA5 | singular of pampas |
pa..... | PA7 | A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all. |
pa.... | PA6 | a lightweight hat of natural-colored straw hand-plaited of narrow strips from the young leaves of the jipijapa |
pa...... | PA8 | A cured belly or pork; bacon. |
pa.. | PA4 | An individual sheet of glass in a window, door, etc. |
pa.. | PA4 | A quick breathing; a catching of the breath; a gasp: the panting of animals such as a dog with their tong hung out- as a form of thermoregulation. |
pa.. | PA4 | Dad, daddy, father; a familiar or old-fashioned term of address to one’s father. |
pa.. | PA4 | The head, particularly the top or crown. |
pa.... | PA6 | An official document granting an appointment, privilege, or right, or some property or title; letters patent. A grant of a monopoly over the manufacture, sale, and use of goods. A declaration issued by a government agency that the inventor of a new invention has the sole privilege of making, selling, or using the claimed invention for a specified period. A specific grant of ownership of a piece of real property; a land patent. |
pa...... | PA8 | One to whom a grant is made, or a privilege secured, by patent. |
pe... | PE5 | A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony; absence of violence. For instance, a state free from civil disturbance. |
pe.. | PE4 | Soil formed of dead but not fully decayed plants found in bog areas, often burned as fuel. |
pe... | PE5 | A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts. |
pe..... | PE7 | Unhealthy; causing disease. |
pe.. | PE4 | The (often spherical) end of the head of a hammer opposite the main hammering end. |
pe.. | PE4 | A short, soft, high-pitched sound, as made by a baby bird. |
pe..... | PE7 | A voluntary self-imposed punishment for a sinful act or wrongdoing. It may be intended to serve as reparation for the act. |
pe... | PE5 | plural of penny (the subunit of the pound sterling or Irish pound). |
pe.... | PE6 | A scribe, or person who copies texts. |
pe.... | PE6 | plural of penman |
pe..... | PE7 | A flag normally used by naval vessels to represent a special condition. The broad pennant flown by commodores. The church pennant indicating religious services are taking place aboard ship. The commissioning pennant flown on ceremonial occasions. |
pe... | PE5 | A type of short, diagonally cut pasta. |
pe.. | PE4 | Confinement; concealment. |
pe..... | PE7 | An aliphatic hydrocarbon of chemical formula C5H12; either of the three isomers n-pentane, methyl-butane (isopentane), and di-methyl-propane (neopentane); volatile liquids under normal conditions. |
ta.. | TA4 | To plug up with clay, earth, dry sand, sod, or other material, as a hole bored in a rock. |
ta.. | TA4 | A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry. |
ta.. | TA4 | Flexible material in a roll with a sticky surface on one or both sides; adhesive tape. |
te.... | TE6 | A cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America. |
te.. | TE4 | Abbreviation of temperature. |
te... | TE5 | To provoke someone to do wrong, especially by promising a reward; to entice. |
te... | TE5 | Alternative form of teepee |
Today's Complete Solution
The words that follow are a complete listing of all acceptable words in today's New York Time Spelling Bee puzzle.
Next to the answer word you'll see the two-letter reference (2L Ref) in parentheses. We added that 2L Ref for easier translation of the spoiler-avoidant language you see on the Spelling Bee Forum and Twitter. The 2L Ref signifies a word's two start letters followed by the total number of letters in the word.
- accept (AC6)
- acceptance (AC10)
- acceptant (AC9)
- apace (AP5)
- apeman (AP6)
- apemen (AP6)
- apnea (AP5)
- attempt (AT7)
- camp (CA4)
- canape (CA6)
- cape (CA4)
- catnap (CA6)
- encamp (EN6)
- encampment† (EN10)
- epee (EP4)
- nametape (NA8)
- nape (NA4)
- neap (NE4)
- pace (PA4)
- pact (PA4)
- paean (PA5)
- pampa (PA5)
- panacea (PA7)
- panama (PA6)
- pancetta (PA8)
- pane (PA4)
- pant (PA4)
- papa (PA4)
- pate (PA4)
- patent (PA6)
- patentee (PA8)
- peace (PE5)
- peat (PE4)
- pecan (PE5)
- peccant (PE7)
- peen (PE4)
- peep (PE4)
- penance (PE7)
- pence (PE5)
- penman (PE6)
- penmen (PE6)
- pennant (PE7)
- penne (PE5)
- pent (PE4)
- pentane (PE7)
- tamp (TA4)
- tapa (TA4)
- tape (TA4)
- teepee (TE6)
- temp (TE4)
- tempt (TE5)
- tepee (TE5)
Answer Definitions
- accept (verb): To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.
- acceptance (noun): The act of accepting; the receiving of something offered, with acquiescence, approbation, or satisfaction; especially, favourable reception; approval.
- acceptant (adjective): accepting; receiving.
- apace (adverb): Quickly, rapidly, with speed.
- apeman (noun): A prehistoric man resembling an ape, especially one held to be a precursor to modern humans; a non-human australopithecine.
- apemen (noun): plural of apeman
- apnea (noun): The cessation of breathing, most often in reference to transient instances thereof during sleep.
- attempt (verb): To try.
- camp (noun): An outdoor place acting as temporary accommodation in tents or other temporary structures.
- canape (noun): Alternative spelling of canapé
- cape (noun): A piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into a sea or lake; a promontory; a headland.
- catnap (noun): A brief, light sleep, usually during the daytime.
- encamp (verb): To establish a camp or temporary shelter.
- encampment† (noun): A campsite.
- epee (noun): A sharp-pointed dueling sword with a bell-shaped guard, used (with the end blunted) in sport fencing.
- nametape (noun): A kind of nametag that can be sewn onto clothing.
- nape (noun): The back part of the neck.
- neap (noun): The tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals.
- pace (noun): Step. A step taken with the foot. The distance covered in a step (or sometimes two), either vaguely or according to various specific set measurements.
- pact (noun): An agreement; a compact; a covenant.
- paean (noun): A chant or song, especially a hymn of thanksgiving for deliverance or victory, to Apollo or sometimes another god or goddess; hence any song sung to solicit victory in battle.
- pampa (noun): singular of pampas
- panacea (noun): A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all.
- panama (noun): a lightweight hat of natural-colored straw hand-plaited of narrow strips from the young leaves of the jipijapa
- pancetta (noun): A cured belly or pork; bacon.
- pane (noun): An individual sheet of glass in a window, door, etc.
- pant (noun): A quick breathing; a catching of the breath; a gasp: the panting of animals such as a dog with their tong hung out- as a form of thermoregulation.
- papa (noun): Dad, daddy, father; a familiar or old-fashioned term of address to one’s father.
- pate (noun): The head, particularly the top or crown.
- patent (noun): An official document granting an appointment, privilege, or right, or some property or title; letters patent. A grant of a monopoly over the manufacture, sale, and use of goods. A declaration issued by a government agency that the inventor of a new invention has the sole privilege of making, selling, or using the claimed invention for a specified period. A specific grant of ownership of a piece of real property; a land patent.
- patentee (noun): One to whom a grant is made, or a privilege secured, by patent.
- peace (noun): A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony; absence of violence. For instance, a state free from civil disturbance.
- peat (noun): Soil formed of dead but not fully decayed plants found in bog areas, often burned as fuel.
- pecan (noun): A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts.
- peccant (adjective): Unhealthy; causing disease.
- peen (noun): The (often spherical) end of the head of a hammer opposite the main hammering end.
- peep (noun): A short, soft, high-pitched sound, as made by a baby bird.
- penance (noun): A voluntary self-imposed punishment for a sinful act or wrongdoing. It may be intended to serve as reparation for the act.
- pence (noun): plural of penny (the subunit of the pound sterling or Irish pound).
- penman (noun): A scribe, or person who copies texts.
- penmen (noun): plural of penman
- pennant (noun): A flag normally used by naval vessels to represent a special condition. The broad pennant flown by commodores. The church pennant indicating religious services are taking place aboard ship. The commissioning pennant flown on ceremonial occasions.
- penne (noun): A type of short, diagonally cut pasta.
- pent (noun): Confinement; concealment.
- pentane (noun): An aliphatic hydrocarbon of chemical formula C5H12; either of the three isomers n-pentane, methyl-butane (isopentane), and di-methyl-propane (neopentane); volatile liquids under normal conditions.
- tamp (verb): To plug up with clay, earth, dry sand, sod, or other material, as a hole bored in a rock.
- tapa (noun): A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry.
- tape (noun): Flexible material in a roll with a sticky surface on one or both sides; adhesive tape.
- teepee (noun): A cone-shaped tent traditionally used by many native peoples of the Great Plains of North America.
- temp (noun): Abbreviation of temperature.
- tempt (verb): To provoke someone to do wrong, especially by promising a reward; to entice.
- tepee (noun): Alternative form of teepee